General Menaion - English
The Services presented here may be used in place of a Menaion Service, if a Menaion service has not been compiled for that saint or is otherwise unavailable.
The services are complete, containg all Theotokions that may be required (i.e. feasted and unfeasted, for all days of the week), all Vesperal prophecy, Gospel and Epistle readings, Prokemenons, Troparions, general Kontakions, Sedalens and Magnificat Verses for Matins etc.
Note that the Vesperal, Epistle and Gospel readings are general, and may differ from those prescribed in the Typicon. The readings from the Typicon should be used if such is the case.
The services may be viewed in a Browser, or they may be printed.
The font size is 16 pt.