January Menaion

Russian Monastery Slavonic Katavasia
JAN 1st, Circumcision, St Basil
JAN 2nd, St Sylvester
JAN 2nd, St Seraphim
JAN 3rd, Prophet Malachi
JAN 4th, Sobor 70 Apost.
JAN 5th, M. Theopemptos & Oth.
JAN 5th, Royal Hours.
JAN 6th, Theophany
JAN 7th, Synaxis of St John
JAN 8th, St George (Hozevite)
JAN 9th, M. Polyeuctos
JAN 9th, St Philip of Moscow
JAN 10th, St Gregory of Nyssa
JAN 10th, St Paul of Obnora
JAN 10th, St Theophan the Recluse
JAN 11th, St Theodosius
JAN 11th, St Michael of Novgorod
JAN 12th, M. Tatiana
JAN 12th, St Savva (Serbia)
JAN 13th, M. Hermylos & Oth
JAN 14th, HM's. of Sinai
JAN 14th, St Nina of Georgia
JAN 15th, Sts Paul & John
JAN 16th, Chains of St Peter
JAN 17th, St Anthony the Great
JAN 18th, Sts Cyril & Athanasius
JAN 19th, St Makarius of Egypt
JAN 20th, St Euthymius the Great
JAN 21st, St Maximus the Confessor
JAN 21st, St Maximus the Greek
JAN 22nd, Ap. Timothy
JAN 23rd, HM. Clement of Ancyra
JAN 24th, St Xenia
JAN 24th, St Xenia of St Petersburg
JAN 25th, St Gregory the Theologian
JAN 25th, Icon - Soothe my Sorrows
JAN 25th, New Martyrs of Russia
JAN 26th, St Xenophon & Family
JAN 27th, St John Chrysostom
JAN 28th, St Ephraim the Syrian
JAN 29th, St Ignatius the Godbearer
JAN 30th, The Three Hierarchs
JAN 31st, Sts Cyrus & John


February Menaion

Russian Monastery Slavonic Katavasia
FEB 1st, M. Triphon
FEB 2nd, Meeting of the Lord
FEB 3rd, Sts Symeon & Anna
FEB 3rd, St Nicholas of Japan
FEB 4th, St Isidore of Pelusium
FEB 4th, Prince George
FEB 4th, St Kyril of New-Lake
FEB 5th, M. Agatha
FEB 5th, Icon - Seeker of the Fallen
FEB 6th, St Bucolus of Smyrna
FEB 7th, St Parthenius
FEB 8th, M. Theodore Stratalatis
FEB 9th, M. Nicephorus
FEB 9th, St Innokenty of Irkutsk
FEB 10th, M. Charalampius
FEB 11th, HM. Vlassi
FEB 11th, St Dimitri of Prilutsk
FEB 11th, Prince Vsevelod
FEB 12th, St Meletius of Antioch
FEB 12th, St Alexis of Moscow
FEB 13th, St Martinian the Hermit
FEB 14th, St Auxentius the Hermit
FEB 14th, St Cyril & Methodius Eq. Ap.
FEB 15th, Ap. Onesimus
FEB 16th, HM. Pamphilius & Oth
FEB 17th, M. Theodore the Recruit
FEB 17th, St Germogen of Moscow
FEB 18th, St Leo the Great
FEB 19th, Ap. Archippus
FEB 20th, St Leo of Catania
FEB 20th, HM. Cornelius of Kiev
FEB 21st, St Timothy of Symbola
FEB 22nd, M's of Eugenios
FEB 23rd, HM. Polycarp of Smyrna
FEB 24th, Finding of St John's Head
FEB 25th, St Tarasius of Const.
FEB 26th, St Porphyrius of Gaza.
FEB 27th, St Prokopius of Decapolis
FEB 28th, St Basil the Co-ascetic
FEB 29th, St John Cassian


March Menaion

Russian Monastery Slavonic Katavasia
MAR 1st, HM. Evdokia
MAR 2nd, HM. Theodotus
MAR 2nd, St Arsenius of Tver
MAR 2nd, Icon - The Sovereign Lady
MAR 3rd, M's Eutropius & Oth.
MAR 4th, St Gerasimos of Jordan
MAR 4th, Prince Daniel
MAR 5th, M. Conan
MAR 6th, 42 M's of Amorion
MAR 7th, St's of Cherson
MAR 7th, Icon - Intercessor for Sinners
MAR 8th, St Theophylact
MAR 9th, 40 M's of Sebastia
MAR 10th, M. Quadratus
MAR 11th, St Sophronius of Jerusalem
MAR 11th, St Euthymius of Novgorod
MAR 12th, St Theophanes
MAR 13th, St Nicephorus the Confessor
MAR 14th, St Benedict of Nursia
MAR 15th, M. Agapios & Oth.
MAR 16th, M. Sabin & Oth.
MAR 17th, St Alexis Man of God
MAR 17th,St Makarius of Kalazin
MAR 18th, St Cyril of Jerusalem
MAR 19th, M's Chrysanthos & Daria
MAR 20th, HM's of St Savva's Mon.
MAR 21st, St James the Confessor
MAR 22nd, HM. Basil of Ancyra
MAR 23rd, HM Nikon & Brethren
MAR 24th, St Zacharius the Faster
MAR 25th, Annunciation
MAR 26th, Synaxis of Arch. Gabriel
MAR 27th, St Matrona
MAR 28th, St Hilarion the New
MAR 29th, HM. Mark & Oth.
MAR 30th, St John of the Ladder
MAR 31st, HM. Hypatios of Gangra


April Menaion

Russian Monastery Slavonic Katavasia
APR 1st, St Mary of Egypt
APR 1st, St Euthymius of Suzdal
APR 2nd, St Titus
APR 3rd, St Nicetus
APR 4th, St Joseph
APR 5th, M's Theodulus & Oth.
APR 6th, St Eutychius
APR 7th, St George of Mitylene
APR 8th, Ap Herodion & Oth.
APR 9th, M Eupsychius
APR 10th, M's Terence & Oth
APR 11th, HM Antipass
APR 12th, St Basil of Parium
APR 13th, HM Artemon
APR 14th, St Martin of Rome
APR 15th, Ap's Aristarchus & Oth
APR 16th, M's Agape & Oth
APR 17th, HM Symeon of Persia
APR 17th, St Zosimus of Solovets
APR 18th, St John the Decapolite
APR 19th, St John of the Cave
APR 20th, St Theodore Trichinas
APR 21st, HM Januarius
APR 22nd, St Theodore of Sykeon
APR 23rd, GM George
APR 24th, GM Sabbas
APR 25th Ap. Evangelist Mark
APR 26th, HM Basil of Amasea
APR 26th, St Stephen of Perm
APR 27th, HM - Ap. Symeon
APR 28th, Ap's Jason & Oth
APR 29th, 9 Maryrs of Cyzicus
APR 30th, Ap. James


May Menaion

Russian Monastery Slavonic Katavasia
MAY 1st, Prophet Jeremiah
MAY 1st, St Paphnutius
MAY 2nd, St Athanasius the Gerat
MAY 3rd, M's Tomithy & Maura
MAY 3rd, St Theodosius (Kiev)
MAY 4th, M. Pelagia
MAY 5th, M. Irene
MAY 6th, Prophet Job
MAY 7th, M Acacius
MAY 8th, Ap John the Theologian
MAY 9th, Prophet Isaiah
MAY 9th, St Nicholas of Myra
MAY 10th, Ap. Simon
MAY 11th, M Mocius
MAY 11th, Sts Methodius & Cyril
MAY 12th, Sts Epiphanius & Oth
MAY 12th, St Germogen of Moscow
MAY 13th, M Glyceria
MAY 14th, M Isidore
MAY 14th, St Isidore of Rostov
MAY 15th, St Pochomius the Great
MAY 15th, St Isaiah of Rostov
MAY 15th, St Dimetrius the Tsar
MAY 16th, St Theodore
MAY 16th, St Ephraim Perekomskii
MAY 17th, Ap's Andronicus & Oth
MAY 18th, M Theodotus & Oth
MAY 19th, HM Patrick of Prussia
MAY 19th, St Cornelius of Komel
MAY 20th, M Thalaleus
MAY 20th, St Akexis of Moscow
MAY 21st, Sts Constantine & Helen
MAY 21st, Meeting of Vladimir Icon
MAY 21st, St Constantine & Sons
MAY 22nd, M Basiliscus
MAY 23rd, St Michael of Synada
MAY 23rd, St Leontius of Rostov
MAY 23rd, St Euphrosynia of Polotsk
MAY 24th, St Symeon
MAY 24th, St Nicetus the Stylite
MAY 25th, 3rd Finding of St John-head
MAY 26th, Ap Carpus
MAY 26th, M George of Bulgaria
MAY 27th, HM Therapont
MAY 28th, St Nicetas of Chalc.
MAY 28th, St Ignatius of Rostov
MAY 29th, M Theodosia
MAY 29th, St John of Yiustig
MAY 29th, Helping Hand Icon
MAY 30th, St Isaacius
MAY 31st, M Hermias

June Menaion

Russian Monastery Slavonic Katavasia
JUNE 1st, HM Justin
JUNE 1st, St Dionysius Glyshiskii
JUNE 2nd, St Nicephorus
JUNE 2nd, M John of Belgrade
JUNE 3rd, M Lucillian
JUNE 4th, St Metrophane
JUNE 5th, HM Dorotheus
JUNE 6th, St Bessarion
JUNE 7th, HM Theodotus
JUNE 8th, GM Theodore
JUNE 9th, St Cyril of Alexandria
JUNE 9th, St Cyril of White Lake
JUNE 10th, HM Timothy of Prussia
JUNE 11th, Ap's Bartholomew
JUNE 12th, St Onuphrius the Great
JUNE 13th, M Aquillina
JUNE 14th, Prophet Elisha
JUNE 15th, Prophet Amos
JUNE 15th, St Jonah of Moscow
JUNE 16th, St Tikhon of Amathus
JUNE 17th, M's Manuel & Oth
JUNE 18th, M Leontius
JUNE 18th, God-Loving Icon
JUNE 19th, Ap Jude
JUNE 20th, HM Methodius
JUNE 21st, M Julian
JUNE 22nd, HM Eusebius
JUNE 23rd, M Agrippina
JUNE 23rd, Vladimir Icon
JUNE 24th, Nat. of St. John
JUNE 25th, M Fevronia
JUNE 25th, Sts Peter & Fevronia
JUNE 26th, St David
JUNE 26th, Tichvin Icon
JUNE 27th, St Sampson
JUNE 27th, Thanksgiving/Poltavo
JUNE 28th, Sts Cyrus & John
JUNE 28th, St Herman of Valaam
JUNE 29th, AP's Peter & Paul
JUNE 30th, Synaxis of Ap's


July Menaion

Russian Monastery Slavonic Katavasia
JUL 1st, Sts. Cosmos & Damian
JUL 2nd, St. Juvenal
JUL 3rd, M. Hyacinth
JUL 3rd, St. Philip of Moscow
JUL 4th, St. Andrew of Crete
JUL 4th, Royal New Martyrs of Russia
JUL 5th, St. Athanasius of Athos
JUL 5th, St Sergius of Radonezh
JUL 6th, St. Sisoes the Great
JUL 7th, St. Thomas
JUL 8th, GM Procopius
JUL 8th, St. Procopius of Ustiug
JUL 8th, Kazan Icon
JUL 9th, HM. Pancratius
JUL 10th, 45 Martyrs of Nicopolis
JUL 10th, Deposition of Robe
JUL 10th, St. Anthony of Kiev
JUL 11th, St. Olga
JUL 12th, M's Proklus & Hilary
JUL 12th, Icon of Three Hands
JUL 13th, Archangel Gabriel
JUL 14th, Ap. Aquila
JUL 15th, Eq. Ap. Vladimir
JUL 16th, HM Athenogenes
JUL 13th-19th 6-Councils
JUL 17th, GM Marina
JUL 18th, M Emilian & Hyacinth
JUL 19th, St. Macrina
JUL 19th, St. Seraphim of Sarov
JUL 20th, Prophet Elijah
JUL 21st, Prophet Ezekiel
JUL 22nd, Ap. Mary Magdalene
JUL 23rd, M's Trophimus & Oth
JUL 23rd, Icon of Pochaev
JUL 24th, M. Christina
JUL 24th, M's Boris & Gleb
JUL 25th, Repose of St. Anna
JUL 25th, St. Makarius
JUL 26th, HM Hermalaus
JUL 27th, St. Panteleimon
JUL 28th, Ap's Prochor & Oth
JUL 28th, Smolensk Icon
JUL 28th, St. Pitirim of Tambov
JUL 29th, M. Callinicus
JUL 30th, AP's Silas & Oth
JUL 30th, M. John the Warrior
JUL 31st, Forefeast of Procession


August Menaion

Russian Monastery Slavonic Katavasia
AUG 1st, Procession of the Cross
AUG 2nd, Protomartyr Stephen
AUG 2nd, St. Basil
AUG 3rd, St. Isaacius
AUG 3rd, St. Anthony the Roman
AUG 4th, 7 Sleepers of Ephesus
AUG 5th, Forefeast of Transfiguration
AUG 6th, Transfiguration
AUG 7th, HM Dometius
AUG 8th, St. Emilian
AUG 8th, Sts. Zosimus & Sabbatius
AUG 9th, Ap. Matthias
AUG 10th, HM Laurence
AUG 11th, HM Euplus
AUG 12th, M's Photius & Oth
AUG 13th, Trans. Leavetaking
AUG 13th, St. Tikhon of Zadonsk
AUG 14th, Prophet Micah
AUG 15th, Dormition
AUG 16th, Icon not Made by Hands
AUG 17th, M. Myron
AUG 18th, M's Florus & Laurus
AUG 18th, St. John of Ryla
AUG 19th, GM Andrew the General
AUG 20th, Prophet Samuel
AUG 21st, Ap. Thaddeus
AUG 21st, St. Abraham of Smolensk
AUG 22nd, M. Agathonicus
AUG 23rd, Leavetaking of Dormition
AUG 24th, HM Eutyches
AUG 24th, St. Peter of Moscow
AUG 25th, Ap. Bartholomew
AUG 26th, M's Adrian & Natalia
AUG 26th, Vladimir Icon
AUG 27th, St. Pimen the Great
AUG 28th, St. Moses the Black
AUG 28th, Kievan Caves Fathers
AUG 29th, Beheading of St John
AUG 30th, Sts. Alexander, John & Paul
AUG 30th, St. Alexander Nevski
AUG 30th, St. Alexander of Svir
AUG 31st, Placing of the Cincture


September Menaion

Russian Monastery Slavonic Katavasia
SEP 1st, Indict
SEP 2nd, M. Mamas
SEP 3rd, HM Anthimus
SEP 4th, HM Babylas
SEP 4th, St. Ioasaph
SEP 4th, Unburnt Bush Icon
SEP 5th, Prophet Zacharias
SEP 5th, Sts. Zacharias & Elizabeth
SEP 6th, Miracle at Chonae
SEP 7th, M. Sozon
SEP 7th, St. John of Novgorod
SEP 8th, Nat. of Theotokos
SEP 9th, Sts. Joachim and Anna
SEP 9th, St. Theodosius of Chernigov
SEP 9th, St. Joseph Volotskii
SEP 10th, M's Menodora & Oth
SEP 11th, St. Theodora
SEP 11th, St. Silhoan of Athos
SEP 12th, Leavetaking of Th. Nat.
SEP 12th, St. Symeon
SEP 13th, HM Cornelius the Centurion
SEP 14th, Exaltation of Cross
SEP 15th, GM Nicetas
SEP 16th, GM Euphemia
SEP 17th, M's Vera Nadezhda and Lybov
SEP 18th, St. Eumenius of Gortyna
SEP 19th, M's Trophimus & Oth
SEP 19th, St. Theodore of Yaroslavl
SEP 20th, GM Eustathius
SEP 20th, St. Michael of Chernigov
SEP 21st, Leavetaking of Exultation
SEP 21st, St. Demetrius of Rostov
SEP 22nd, HM Phocius
SEP 23rd, Conception of St John
SEP 23rd, St. Innocent of Kamchatka
SEP 24th, Protmartyr Thecla
SEP 25th, St. Ephrosynia
SEP 25th, St. Sergius of Radonezh
SEP 26th, Ap. John Theologos
SEP 27th, M's Callistratus & Oth
SEP 27th, St. Sabbas of Solovets
SEP 28th, St. Chariton
SEP 29th, St. Cyriacus
SEP 30th, HM Gregory of Armenia
SEP 30th, St. Gregory of Vologda
SEP 30th, St. Michael of Kiev


October Menaion

Russian Monastery Slavonic Katavasia
OCT 1st, St Romanus
OCT 1st, Pokrov
OCT 1st, St. Sabbas
OCT 2nd, Sts. Cyprian & Justina
OCT 2nd, St. Andrew
OCT 2nd, St. Anna of Kashin
OCT 3rd, HM Dionysius
OCT 4th, HM Hierotheus
OCT 4th, Sts. Gurius & Barsonuphrius
OCT 5th, M. Charitina
OCT 5th, Moscow Metropolitans.
OCT 6th, Ap. Thomas
OCT 7th, Sts. Sergius & Bachus
OCT 8th, St. Pelagia
OCT 9th, Ap. James
OCT 10th, M's Eulampius & Eulampia
OCT 10th, St. Ambrose of Optina
OCT 11th, Ap. Philip
OCT 11th-17th 7th Council,
OCT 12th, M's Probus & Oth
OCT 13th, M's Carpus & Papylus
OCT 13th, Iveron Icon
OCT 14th, M's Nazarius & Oth
OCT 14th, St. Paraskeva
OCT 15th, St. Euthymius the New
OCT 16th, HM Longinus
OCT 17th, HM Andrew of Crete
OCT 18th, Ap. Evangelist Luke
OCT 19th, Prophet Joel
OCT 19th, St. John of Ryla
OCT 20th, GM Artemius
OCT 21st, St. Hilarion the Great
OCT 21st, St. Hilarion of Meglina
OCT 22nd, St. Abercius
OCT 22nd, Kazan Icon
OCT 23rd, Ap. James
OCT 23rd, St. James Borovetski
OCT 24th, GM Arethus & Oth
OCT 24th, Joy of all who Sorrow
OCT 25th, M's Markian & Martyri
OCT 26th, GM Demetrius
OCT 27th, M. Nestor
OCT 28th, M's Terence & Oth
OCT 28th, St. Arsenius of Serbia
OCT 28th, GM Paraskeva
OCT 28th, St. Dimitrius of Rostov
OCT 28th, St Job of Pochaev
OCT 29th, M. Anastasia the Roman
OCT 29th, St. Abraham of Rostov
OCT 30th, HM Zenobia
OCT 31st, Ap's Stachys & Oth

November Menaion

Russian Monastery Slavonic Katavasia
NOV 1st, Sts. Cosmos & Damian
NOV 2nd, M's Acindynus & Oth
NOV 3rd, M's Acepsimus & Oth
NOV 4th, St. Joannicius the Great
NOV 5th, M's Galacteon & Epistemus
NOV 5th, St. Jonah of Novgorod
NOV 6th, St. Paul the Confessor
NOV 6th, St. Balaam of Novgorod
NOV 7th, 33 Martyrs of Melitene
NOV 8th, Synaxis of the Angels
NOV 9th, M's Onesiphorus & Oth
NOV 9th, Quick to Hear Icon
NOV 10th, Ap's Erastus & Oth
NOV 11th, M's Minas & Oth
NOV 11th, St. Maximus of Moscow
NOV 12th, St. John the Mercifull
NOV 13th, St. John Chrysostom
NOV 14th, Ap. Philip of the 12
NOV 14th, St. Gregory Palamas
NOV 15th, M's Gurie, Samona & Abib
NOV 15th, St. Paisius Velichkovski
NOV 16th, Ap. Evangelist Mathew
NOV 17th, St. Gregory - Wonderworker
NOV 17th, St. Nikon
NOV 18th, M's Plato & Oth
NOV 19th, Prophet Obadiah
NOV 19th, Sts. Iosaph & Balaam
NOV 20th, St. Gregory the Decapolite
NOV 21st, Entry of the Theotokos
NOV 22nd, Ap. Philemon & Oth
NOV 22nd, St. Michael of Yaroslavl
NOV 23rd, St. Amphilochius
NOV 23rd, St. Alexander Nevsky
NOV 24th, GM Catherine
NOV 24th, M. Mercurius Smolenskii
NOV 25th, HM Clement
NOV 26th, St. Alypius the Stylite
NOV 26th, St. Innocent of Irkutsk
NOV 27th, St. James the Persian
NOV 27th, Icon of the Sign
NOV 27th, St. James of Rostov
NOV 28th, HM Stephen the New
NOV 29th, M. Paramon
NOV 30th, Ap. Andrew


December Menaion

Russian Monastery Slavonic Katavasia
DEC 1st, Prophet Nahum
DEC 2nd, Prophet Habbakuk
DEC 3rd, Prophet Zephaniah
DEC 3rd, St. Sabbas Storozhevskii
DEC 4th, GM Barbara
DEC 5th, St. Sabbas the Sanctified
DEC 6th, St. Nicholas of Myra
DEC 7th, St. Ambrose of Milan
DEC 7th, St. Anthony Siskii
DEC 7th, St. Nilus the Wonderworker
DEC 8th, St. Patapius
DEC 9th, Conception of Theotokos
DEC 9th, Unexpected Joy Icon
DEC 10th, GM Menas & Oth
DEC 11th, St. Daniel the Stylite
DEC 11th-17th Holy Forefathers
DEC 12th, St. Spyridon
DEC 13th, M's Eustratius & Oth
DEC 14th, M's Thyrsus & Oth
DEC 15th, HM Eleutherius
DEC 15th, St. Stephen Syrozhskii
DEC 16th, Prophet Haggai
DEC 17th, 3 Youths in Babylon
DEC 18th, GM Sebastion & Oth
DEC 18th-24th Holy Fathers
DEC 19th, M. Boniface
DEC 20th, HM Ignatius
DEC 20th, St. John of Kronstadt
DEC 21st, M. Juliana
DEC 21st, St. Peter of Kiev
DEC 22nd, GM Anastasia of Rome
DEC 23rd, 10 Martyrs of Crete
DEC 24th, M. Eugenia
DEC 24th, Royal Hours
DEC 25th, Nativity
DEC 26th, Synaxis of the Theotokos
DEC 26th-31st Righteous Ancestors
DEC 27th, Protomartyr Stephen
DEC 28th, 20,000 Martyrs of Nicomedia
DEC 29th, 14,000 Slain Innocents
DEC 30th, M. Anisius
DEC 30th, St. Makarios of Moscow
DEC 31st, Leavetaking & M Melania
